Fertilizing Raspberry Plants

Fertilizing is an excellent way to replenish the nutrients in your soil, most commonly nitrogen. Nitrogen encourages the green leafy growth and stems, which ultimately feed and support future fruit when your raspberry plants in their fruit-bearing years. In addition to, or as an alternative for, fertilizers, spring cultivation and summer mulching are also beneficial to the soil.

We strongly encourage you to test your soil prior to applying any fertilizers. Different soils can contain varying amounts of native elements that are necessary to support raspberry plant growth and development. If you test your soil and discover that it lacks any necessary nutrients (nitrogen, phosphate, potassium, etc.), be sure to choose a fertilizer that supplements the soil’s nutrient deficiency. Our Stark® Raspberry Food is a balanced 20-21-20 formula that is used in early spring to strengthen roots and to stimulate and support increased fruit production.

Learn more about your soil and discover the importance of soil testing prior to adding any fertilizers.

NOTE: This is part 6 in a series of 11 articles. For a complete background on how to grow raspberry plants, we recommend starting from the beginning.

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